Friday, January 16, 2009


There's a blog with a URL similar to mine, Each weekend, one of the bloggers suggests a word as a writing prompt. Readers of the blog, if inspired by the particular word, are encouraged to write a post in their own blog and then submit it to weekend wordsmith. I just discovered this blog yesterday. The word for the week was "pens". Below is what I wrote. 

The first time he stole he was eight.
The challenge of an older sibling.

The first time he stole it was from his father.
His brother taunted and teased
until it became a double-dog dare
which he never could resist.

The first time he stole, it was a pen.
Blue ink. Fat and heavy in his hand. 
Dad's favorite.

And so began his hobby. 
His small rebellion inside an orderly, uneventful life. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked the original very much, but I really love the re-write.

xo, steamie