Thursday, March 12, 2009

Roger Cohen says "Tsk, tsk"

In today's NY Times, Roger Cohen has an Op-Ed in which he chides Obama for lecturing when he should be inspiring. He writes that "...Obama has not yet found his presidential voice." I couldn't disagree more.

Cohen's column centers on England's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his recent speech to Congress and his appearance on The Daily Show. He commends Brown on a rousing speech, saying he felt "stirred" by it. He takes Obama to task for what he sees as telling Americans "unpleasant truths" rather than "...galvanize[ing] through the optimism of his message." This begs the question -- did Cohen listen to Obama's recent address to Congress? Yes, it was laced throughout with hard truths, truths that we in this country have needed to face for a long, long time. But we have been far too busy playing Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. A little "lecturing" as Cohen puts it seems quite appropriate to me.

As for inspiration, I found Obama's address quite inspiring. A clear, palpable love for this country, a determination to gather us all together in shared sacrifice in order to make America strong and proud again, his confidence that we can free ourselves from the current crisis -- this practically rang out in his speech like church bells on Sunday.

During the campaign, many people tried to paint Obama as being long on inspiration but short on substance. Now here is Cohen arguing the opposite. "He has been detailing tax and other polices to narrow the gap between the haves and have-nots, but in a cool, brisk top-down language that hardly seems right to overcome division", writes Cohen. So let's see -- during the campaign, not enough details. Now, too many details.

It is awfully easy to criticize when you are not the one responsible for fixing an enormous, frightening economic mess while at the same time reassuring an anxious, terrified populace. Hasn't found his Presidential voice? I already stated that I find that appraisal thoroughly wrong. But here's something else -- he has been President for what, 50 some days? The former occupant of the White House (he who shall not be named), had eight YEARS and couldn't locate a Presidential voice even with the help of a GPS machine!

I'm willing to be patient and cut Obama a lot of slack considering all that he inherited.


intrepidideas said...

You said.....
"It is awfully easy to criticize when you are not the one responsible for fixing an enormous, frightening economic mess while at the same time reassuring an anxious, terrified populace"


I've noticed the heat has been turned up a notch on Obama. That is to be expected. Anyone who expected a quick fix to an eight year train wreck should reconsider. As far as a Presidential Voice is concerned - Critics will be critical.

Nice read...

Unknown said...

I fully agree with all of the points you made in this post! Critics always look for someone else to blame. In this case, it happens to be our President who, I might add, has been quite consistent in carrying out his plan for the US.