Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I am Welsh, German and Dutch, so I cannot claim this holiday as my own. Nevertheless, I wish each and every one of you a Happy St. Pat's Day. Here in New York City, where I currently reside, this is the day of the enormous St. Patty's Day parade down Fifth Avenue; a parade I avoid, due to it being watched by thousands upon thousands of drunken tourists.

(Brief side note on parades: um... why? Why are they so interesting? I ask not because I'm attempting to be snarky but out of genuine curiosity. It seems to me that going to a parade means agreeing to stand on a sidewalk in order to watch other people walk past you. Sure, some of those people might be playing an instrument or twirling a baton, but most of them? Just walking. I've never quite understood why so many folks seem to not only enjoy this activity, they freak out and scream like banshees. Just another one of life's mysteries like: where DO blue whales go to mate?)


I'm taking an online course on monetizing blogs and let me tell you! -- there is so much information to absorb. RSS feeds, pings, tags, SEO, title-tags, pillar articles, feedburners and stats and ping-your-thing and tag-your-flag and whew! Getting traffic to one's website is no small accomplishment. Which leads me to...

A thank you. To those of you who have become regular readers, my appreciation knows no bounds. Thank you for stopping by, leaving comments and supporting me in this adventure.

(And a small favor to ask:
If each of you tells one other person about this site, I will ... um ... buy you a new car!
Okay. That is a lie.
However, I will be extremely happy and you will feel good knowing that you've contributed to my delight! A win-win, really).

One last thing! An enormous, huge, gigantic cyber-kiss to Jon Stewart for his interview with Jim Cramer. (Be sure to scroll down and watch the entire interview). While Mr. Cramer is certainly far from the only individual deserving of a lecture and a share of blame, Stewart's larger point about irresponsible journalism is one that desperately needed to be made. Do you think his wife would mind if Jon became a polygamist and married me too? No, you don't think she'd go for it? Damn.

1 comment:

Walt said...

There must be one in the woodpile, I see that Celtic fire in your eyes.