Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random Thoughts

LOST. Oh, show! How I love you. Last night's episode was excellent. The way the show illustrates each character's redemption (or lack thereof) on the Island is so moving. I'm deeply invested in this show not only because the sci-fi shenanigans and the myriad mysteries are fun, but mostly due to the emotional thread running through it. Isn't that why we become invested in any story? There must be heart, characters to root for and thoughtful storytelling. This show has all of that in spades. Sawyer has never been my most favorite character; too often he is left with the snarky comment and the growl. But last night showed Sawyer blossoming (never ones to choose names willy-nilly, the writers did provide him with the new last name "LaFleur" meaning flower in French), finally unashamed of his softer side and stepping up to his responsibilities. At the start of the season, the rumors about a possible Juliet-Sawyer romance left me cold, but seeing it come to fruition last night, I'm completely sold. I adore those two together. There seems to be genuine affection and trust between them and I love it! God knows all of the characters on the show have been put through the ringer, but to see this unlikely pair so obviously happy with one another is a real treat. Thanks, show.

Other non-LOST related observations:

1. Why are all of the cable news shows giving Rush Limbaugh so much attention? Granted, it does help the Dems a great deal to remind folks that the Repubs are embracing this dangerous, racist, sexist, hate-filled clown. Nevertheless, the publicity and attention are exactly what he and his ilk (Coulter, Hannity, Malkin), are after. Why keep providing them with coverage? To seem objective? Why would anyone, or any news organization, in the name of objectivity, play into the hands of these despicable people who make fun of Parkinson's sufferers (Rush) or claim that the 9/11 widows deserved to lose their spouses (Coulter)? What on earth is "objective" or "fair" about their comments? To refuse to re-air their remarks in no way violates their First Amendment rights. They can shout all they want on their radio shows -- but don't replay their remarks over and over! That only helps them by disseminating their "message" even further. Stop giving them an additional forum. Stop focusing so relentlessly on your ratings and your bottom line and remember the effect all of this noise has on the public discourse.

2. The gossip magazines are claiming that Rihanna has taken Chris Brown back. I sincerely hope that isn't true. First of all, her safety is at issue. Second, she is looked up to by many young men and women and if it is indeed true that they are back together, this sends a signal to impressionable young people that beating up your lover is acceptable. "Oh, it was just a one-time thing" or "Oh, they're young and immature". Wrong. He BEAT her. He hit her REPEATEDLY. He will do it again. I hope both of them get help.

3. Read Wendell Berry. Be it his novels, essays or poetry -- just read his work.

4. I'm going to go eat a piece of chocolate cake. Peace out, bunny rabbits! Be back soon.

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