Monday, March 2, 2009


It's snowing today here on the East Coast. Snow makes me cranky. Winter makes me cranky. I know, snow is pretty and all that. It is also irritating. Go ahead and call me grumpy; I can take it.

However, rather than focus on the cold and the slush, I am going to create a list of some of the things for which I am grateful. It sure does beat kvetching about the weather.

In no particular order, my partial list --

I am grateful for/that:
~Facebook putting me back in touch with long lost friends
~my mom still calls me "punken"
~my sister-in-law videotaped my niece and nephews playing in the snow. I can watch it once I'm home this evening
~my dad likes my poetry
~good health
~bread, cheese, wine -- the perfect meal
~the new online friends I'm making through blogging
~a warm winter coat
~the pet store near my apartment has new cats up for adoption; I get to see them every day on my walk to/from the subway
~friends near and far
~my DVR
~salmon; I could eat it every day
~Jane Smiley's novel MOO. Read it if you want to laugh out loud.
~my energy healer/guru/practioner Mary Swanson
~my brother and sister and I like each other
~a mid-afternoon nap on a rainy/snowy day
~the cello
~Garrison Keillor
~Bill Moyers
~The New Yorker
~Caitlin, Scott, Flynn and Dewey
~Ann Adkinson, nee Burrows
~Bjorn-y-pants and Stine-a-rina
~reminders to count your blessings
~the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens
~Meeghan, Brutus and Wolfgang
~camraderie during tech rehearsals
~looking forward to the future
~guardian angels, both seen and unseen
~hot apple cider
~National Geographic
~evidence of happy marriages
~the Founding Fathers
~ice cream

God knows my list could go on and on. What are some of the things you're grateful for? Feel free to post in the comments section!


Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for
- friends and family
- Albert Einstein
- Abraham Lincoln
- my health
- my dog Shasti (she's a good dog)
- My wife (maybe I should put her above my dog)
- my home
- my computers
- Stevie Wonder
- and Parliament/Funkadelics!!!

"These are a few of my favorite things!!"

Anonymous said...


Thanks for including me on the list; after that movie last night, I was sure grateful for a lot of things in my life too.

-coffee (though I am abstaining right now)
-good health
-New York
-a roof over my head that's warm
-freedom of religion (or no religion!)
-my job
-my family, in particular my parents
-Shakespeare (did you have that as well?)
-friends, precious, talented, numerous & true, including you.

So much more, but that's short list.

xo, steamie