Friday, March 20, 2009

Profound Arrogance

It just keeps coming.

The arrogance from the insanely wealthy individuals responsible for creating this economic crisis, and the "reporters" who defend them, continues to astonish me. Mark Haines, a so-called reporter at CNBC recently conducted an interview with Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), during which, he, Haines, said the following:

"... you can’t really, it seems to me, expect that these Wall Street companies are going to be run well by a bunch of people who don’t make more than $250,000."

I forgot -- only super rich people are smart. That's right. Those of us making less than $250K, the "bunch of people" (as Haines so snidely put it), who make up the majority of the population of this country, are too stupid to run a Wall Street company. As the folks at Think Progress correctly point out, that means that most small business owners, those hard working individuals who manage their own companies, most of them making less than $250K, wouldn't know what to do. Not to mention someone who obtains an MBA but goes to work for a non-profit rather than simply amassing greater and greater wealth to buy more and more stuff -- that person wouldn't have a clue either.

Gee, it sure is a good thing that we have all of these whip smart millionaires running the show. They've done a great job, don't you think?

Look, there are many, many people making too much money, from sports stars, to movie stars to CEOs. In my opinion, if you find a cure for AIDS, or MS, Autism, or Parkinson's then absolutely you deserve a gajillion dollars. Hell, you deserve your own private island complete with U2, Sting or Stevie Wonder flown in whenever you want to play at your parties. Unless you do that, or make a gaggle of beauty contestants' dreams come true by ending world hunger, please, please stop complaining about the fact that some already-stinking-rich Wall Street executive won't get his or her ten million dollar bonus!

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