Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Does absence make the heart grow fonder?

I sure hope so!

Dear readers, forgive me for being away for a few days. My weekend was spent nursing some tummy troubles, feeling sorry for myself due to said tummy troubles and hiding from the world. In addition, I took a brief "news holiday." This is something I do from time to time. I give myself a few days, usually no more than three, to refrain from reading/watching/commenting on all the goings on in the world. Occasionally the cacophony gets to even yours truly and I need a rest.

At the moment I'm listening to my stomach growl and hoping that what I choose to feed it doesn't make it angry. Fingers crossed.

Rest assured, penguins, that I will have a new opinionated post tomorrow. Or perhaps later tonight.

1 comment:

intrepidideas said...

Hey there, Hope you're feeling better. Media breaks are good aren't they?