Thursday, August 19, 2010

I reserve the right to edit this later

I've mentioned this blog before - Weekend Wordsmith - and today brings another installment.  Each week, a word is posted and readers are encouraged to write something inspired by that particular word.  Here is my latest entry, this one for the word "embellish."


Embellish for me (if you would) the story of my birth
Draw me frozen elevators -
A plane at thirty thousand feet -
Hurricanes, tornadoes, fierce lightning storms.
Paint my skin blue for countless anxious minutes.

Orchestrate the chorus of nurses
The humming of machines
The woodwind of my shallow breath

Sing of my heroic little lungs!

Place us in a foreign land
Soothed by women whose words are strange
So all that's left is an ancient language
Of trust and blood and flesh.

Diamond the telling of it
Drown it in sapphires
Place it on the emerald field of adventure.

Anything but the ordinary entrance I made
The miraculous ordinary
One of millions - washed, swaddled, held
But not talked of in the doctors' lounge:

"Remember that one? That tiny girl,
So clearly marked for something special?"



Anonymous said...


Kate said...

frickin frackin brilliant, as usual.