Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Election is Coming! The Election is Coming!

Here we go again. 

Politicians, pundits, journalists and news-personalities are foaming at the mouth about the 2012 presidential election.  It is April, 2011.  We are almost 19 months away from actual voting -- 19 months!  I was watching the Today Show this morning while getting ready for work (I need my daily dose of Matt Lauer), and Meredith Viera was interviewing Tom Brokaw.  I like Tom.  He's smart and seems to have integrity. However...

In response to a question that I did not hear (I was drying my hair. No, I can't let it air dry 'cause it gets all poofy that way), Tom Brokaw said that the election is coming up fast!

19 months.  Nineteen.  That is not fast.  That is not "right around the corner."  The endless campaigning and jockeying for position and trying to predict the outcome - the outcome of an event 19 months in the future!!!  It is exhausting.  Why don't we do it the way -- you know what? Never mind.  Advocating for a campaign season of six weeks (such as is found in England) is a fool's errand since everyone knows that Europe sucks and we're America and all of our ideas come in a pot of gold covered in gumdrops and rainbows, pulled by a team of evangelical Christian Unicorns and every single thing out of Europe is soaked in rat poop and Castor oil.  How could I forget?

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