Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Twitter is evil.

I think Twitter is ruining us, or hastening the ruin already well under way.  Politicians have twitter accounts!  News organizations tweet all day long!  Appalling.  It is a profound example of our shamefully short attention spans, our lack of curiosity, our refusal to embrace complex thought, our impatience and our fast-food drive-thru way of seeing the world.  140 characters.  That's all.  That is one of the methods that politicians and their staffs are now enthusiastically using to communicate with their constituents.  Who cares about clearly articulating the specifics of a complicated issue when you can tweet a pithy soundbite intended to foment rage?  Who cares about intellectual honesty?  Why bother with shades of gray when you can send a quick 140 characters (not words, characters!) into the universe and demonize your opponent?  Granted, twitter did not birth the sound-bite atmosphere we find ourselves in.  But it is a particularly egregious tool when used by anyone other than a 12-year old snickering about attending a Miley Cyrus concert. 

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